Working Under the Weather

This morning, some odd inversion weather patterns have many of us in Jersey (and most of the NYC boros) working under a cloud - part moisture, part smoke from a fire burning about 70 miles south of here at Wharton State Forest.  Add to that a combination of cold and allergy symptoms which kept me up WAY past my bedtime last night, and I'm moving slower than normal this Monday morning.

I'll spare you the selfie of the bags under my eyes.  After all, I'd prefer you continue reading <grin>

How many of you have gone to work when common sense regarding your illness would dictate staying home that day?  How many times have you run in fear from a co-worker exhibiting obvious signs of contagion, hoping to avoid catching whatever?

There's a term for this:  presenteeism.

David Chenoweth, writing for the Society for Human Resource Management, describes presenteeism as "being at work but not fully functioning due to illness or other health condition."   

The reasons for company policies and corporate cultures that encourage presenteeism are numerous, just as are why some of us choose to go to work when maybe we shouldn't.  I would enjoy hearing of your experiences - feel free to comment below, or reach me directly at parentehrg AT if you prefer some anonymity.

As a management and HR consultant, I have the gift of flexible work hours most of the time in the comfort of my own home office.  On those days I'm scheduled to be onsite with a client when I'm under the weather, I often leave the decision for me to show up with my germs on their company doorstep up to them.  Luckily, today isn't one of those days.

In the meantime, I'll keep that box of tissues and mug of herbal tea close by.

Is it naptime yet?

 Interested in how my management and HR consulting services can help your organization?
Contact me at parentehrg AT