Three Things I’m Getting Used to This Week – Or Not

First, the changeover from Winter to Spring is finally happening here in Jersey, however tentatively.  That means POLLEN.  Tree pollen, to be precise.  There may not be many buds on the trees yet, but the pollen counts are already high.  While I reach across to grab a tissue to deal with an impending sneeze, I'll let you guess if this falls under "getting used to," or "or not."

Next, Instant Replay has hit Major League Baseball this season.  So far, I'm diggin' this rules change.  On the other hand, the catcher-blocking-home-plate rule still needs some clarification and refinement - stay tuned on that one.

Finally, the husband is finally home from his extended trip south.  It's always a bit of a transition with the two of us being under the same roof again.  So far, it's been OK.  Give it a couple of days, and this may change categories (just kidding - maybe!).

Thanks for listening.  See you Monday!