
First, there's been LOTS of press and discussion over the new euphemism for separation and divorce coined by a couple of popular entertainers.  At the same time, to / too / two, there / their / they're, and dozens of other homonyms continue to be abused without little regard.  Don't even get me started on misused apostrophes.

Next, I wish that all those who complain about the crazy, cold Spring we've been having here in Jersey could have been with me Thursday.  I stood in my front yard for a bit, entertained by a lone robin tenaciously harvesting a reluctant worm for its morning meal in sub-freezing temps.  When done, it gave me a "what the heck are you grinning at, lady?" kind of look before it hopped off to another spot. 

Finally, in a way I would not have expected, I received inspiration for the wrapup My March Madness related to leadership skills I learned in drum corps.  While it will be posted on March 31st, here's the photo that triggered it all:

Thanks for listening.  See you Monday!