
First, when Spring happens in Jersey, it really happens.  Proof?  Longer days, more sunlight, and FLOWERS, even if I only have some because a squirrel stole bulbs from a neighbor and replanted them here.

Next, the number of parishioners who offer their time and talent to get stuff done at St Matthias in Somerset NJ never ceases to amaze me.  If you should visit a house of worship this week for regular services or one of the many holy days, take a look around to appreciate all who were part of putting the service together.

Finally, a kind word shared really made my day earlier this week.  It also served to remind me to do the same every chance I get.

Thanks for listening.  See you next week!   

Interested in my coaching, consulting, or creative services?  Contact me at parentehrg AT  

First, no matter how much I prepare myself, I always struggle with fasting and abstaining from meat on Ash Wednesday (yes, I realize there are more stringent religious fasts out there - I'm weak, I admit it).

Second, I'm so grateful to be surrounded - physically and virtually - by wonderful people who are generous of heart, of time, and of resources.

Finally, while I had a sense before I began my March Madness series of how much I learned in drum corps about leadership, I'm actually surprising myself that the stories keep pouring out of me the more I write about it.  In case you missed the first couple of posts:

Thanks for listening.  See you Monday!